Chutneys aren't just for cheese!
On this page, we list some of our favourite recipes and ideas for the interesting and tasty things one can do with chutneys and preserves. If you have an interesting idea do please let us know.
Victoria Sponge - with a twist

Use your favourite sponge cake recipe (E.g. Beat 200g caster sugar, 200g butter, 4 eggs, 200g self-raising flour, 1 tsp. baking powder and 2 tbsp. milk). Split between two sandwich tins and bake for about 20 mins at 180C, Gas 5.
Beat 140g icing sugar with 100g butter for the buttercream and spread this on one of the sponges. Then spread a jar of Black Lavender Preserve on top of the other sponge and sandwich together.
Eastern Spiced Chicken

Pan-fry some diced chicken with finely chopped shallots and chopped dried apricots for a few minutes, until almost cooked. Season with salt & pepper and add some herbs (any of tarragon, fennel or thyme are good). Add some chilli for an extra hot dish.
Finally add two large tablespoons of Eastern Spiced Tomato and stir-fry for a few more minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
Eastern Spiced Baked Camembert

Take a medium sized camembert out of the packaging and place in an ovenproof bowl or dish. Slash the cheese a few times and top with a couple of tablespoons of Eastern Spiced Tomato. Bake on a baking tray for 20 mins in a pre-heated oven at 190C/Gas 6 until gooey.